Thursday, 21 October 2010

Another Day..

So Halloweens just round the corner, Playboy bunnies it is.. we are a classy block I tell you! Pretty wild weekend I had at home, but let's not get into that! We decorated the 'useless room' today its cute, its looking very Halloweeny, which is awesome for our Halloween party. Start my new job on Saturday pml. Should be a laugh. Gamestation hahaha I know nothing about. This weekend we are baking, thrilling as it is.. brownies for all! We're thinking pet seamonkeys for the flat, little Humphrys swimming around! Spent most of today recovering from my episode of Shingles and cleaning! Finding Nemo 2 is aparently coming out I AM SO EXCITED! waaahoooooo!! highlight of my life at the moment!!

Thats allll :) Peaceeeeee.

Thursday, 7 October 2010

Student life

Well as eating beans and cans of soup for over a month now has been more than thrilling I simply can't wait to get home to the comforts of the bath tub and my mum's cooking, the menu is in! Life here's been pretty awsome can't say i've partied as much as i had expected bjut im really looking forward to starting the more creative side to the course. So far marketings been pretty dier, and as for photoshop? I'm pretty sure my computer hates me. Kinda like Contemperal Contextural Studies as we get to broaden our knowladge on the wider scale of fashion, this helps tie in with marketing and photoshop. Found a few great magazine pages and also both which I found interesting and inspiring.